Our program focuses on the physical, mental and emotional impact that DUI has on an individual and a family. Treatment types and length is determined through an assessment and history of DUI. Successful treatment is required for participants to get back and/or keep their drivers’ licenses.
The first sign of alcoholism is the consistent misuse of alcohol. Alcoholism is not the occasional misuse of wine, liquor or beer. If your drinking is creating consequences greater than a once-a-year New Year’s Day headache and family, friends or coworkers are suggesting that you might have a problem, it’s time to take the first step to recovery.
Alcohol Treatment Programs in Jacksonville, FL
The alcohol treatment program at Awakening Recovery Center begins detox and carries through to aftercare. Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the world. If not treated, alcohol addiction can destroy mental and physical health, derail careers and damage personal relationships.
Detox should not be attempted alone. When you arrive at Awakening Recovery Center, you will be seen immediately by an addiction medicine physician who specializes alcohol detox. Alcohol withdrawal can have serious complications. It is critical that you seek the support of a safe, qualified center that can help you through the detoxification process. Medical complications from alcohol withdrawal include seizures and sometimes death. Please do not attempt to quit alcohol without medical support.
Do I Need Help?
- Does your drinking negatively impact your life?
- Have you ever missed an important event because you were drunk or too hungover to go?
- Have you had to call in sick because you were drunk or had been drinking?
- Have you ever had a fight while drinking (physical or verbal) that you would not have had if you were sober?
- Have you ever tried to limit the amount you drink for an event only to find that you could not OR that you could, but you did not enjoy yourself when you were less intoxicated?
Answering yes to any of these questions means you should speak to someone about your drinking and possible addiction to alcohol.